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I tested my funnel and it cant complete order… I didnt do anything… and it was working fine last night…

I asked CF support they said they dont support thirdparty custom ode


@tmleonidas i replied back to your post,

@tmleonidas please keep all your answers in one thread :slight_smile: for that issue

at How to Add Paypal Payment Option in 2 Step Order Form? - #14 by yassine


@regismoscardini ? meaning?!!

I thought i was doing a research.
I want to know how to download my invoices.

Thank you

hh it’s fine :slight_smile: ok can u create a new topic on the community about that so we can discuss it in detail for other searchers to find it easily :slight_smile:


ok thank you very much

Hi, I am really stuck, I have followed all the steps but don’t seem to see Paypal as an option on my funnel!

Hi @kirkypoos

please start a new topic (thread) and specify where you are stuck at and will help you out :slight_smile: also add any links or screenshots whenever it makes sense :slight_smile:

Hi there, I’m just using paypal for me payment processing. I’ve added all my products correctly as explained to clickfunnels and on funnelish. My email auto responders are not going out once the purchase is made. Also… the OTO page. I have added 3 products. How do I link them to the product buttons on the oto page for people to select?

hi @elly it could have been better if you started a new topic for that :slight_smile: instead of chat… but anyways with our Paypal App you DO NOT NEED ANY BUTTONS whats soever.
Simply create your funnel with all the upsells/downsells…Etc and add them to our app and that’s it.
Now for tracking you’ll need to create the products on CF (3rd party membership tracking area) in order for your autoresponders/actionetics to get triggered. that’s all… you can find tons of other questions/answers on this forum :slight_smile: but please start a new topic in case you have more questions and will be happy to help out

I’m confused… If I have 3 products on my OTO page and say somebody selected one of them how does your app then select the right product from your app? I tested it out already and every time I select one of the products it always chooses the first one created in your app and not the correct one.

As for the autoresponder I have setup the products in CF in the 3rd party membership and they are not getting triggered?

ok so for the OTOs, you should set them up the way CF itself want to thus: product one should be #yes-link and product two: #yes-link-2 and product three: #yes-link-3…etc
and that’s the way CF itself does it :slight_smile: and knows which button is which product and of course the #no-link is for the downsell :slight_smile:

For the other issue, 3rd party membership, Have you double checked your cart product IDs on CF and on funnelish and make sure are identical, also did you make sure the funnel webhook URL is correct? other than those two options there is nothing that could be preventing your sales from being recorded by CF.

hey is Yassine here?