How to hide Credit Card Field and Offer PayPal as the only payment option?

Firstly i would like to thank you for the paypal plugin,it works Great,I installed it and tested it 100%.
I have a little issue though,I’m trying to hide or delete the section where visitors can enter their credit card information,Because for now i only have paypal as a payment processor,
So when the visitor came to my site he can only see the paypal option,
I reached out to clickfunnels support team,but when they saw the funnelish paypal plugin they advise me to ask you guys,Maybe someone of you knows how to do that.
I want o hide or delete the section surrounded in red :

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That’s very easy @rachid, Follow these steps:

  1. Go to /Apps in your Funnelish account.

  2. In the PayPal Plugin click Settings.

  3. In the Settings panel, go under Gateways and uncheck Credit Card.

  4. Save changes, and you are done :wink:

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